Common Home Inspection Mistakes

You’ve decided to get the home inspection done.  The inspector came over did a full report, evaluated the home, and gave you all the proper information and suggestions you need.  Now what?  Far too often homeowners make the same common mistakes when getting a home inspection done.  Here are a couple of the same ones… Continue Reading

Mold Testing and Removal

There is a huge importance placed on getting mold testing done in your house.  Especially if it’s an older house.  Exposure to mold can cause a lot of issues with the structural integrity of your house, the resale value, and more importantly, the effect on your health.  Here’s a quick look of how exposure to… Continue Reading

Choose the Right Inspector

Welcome to my new blog! I set this up to keep clients informed on what I’m up to and any special news regarding my company and the industry I’m a part of. Communication with clients and perspective home owners is vital to this company’s success. I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I… Continue Reading